fredag den 13. november 2009

Ardennes Dio - Figure painting

Here are a few pictures of the figure painting in progress.

I started out with 3 coats of “The Army Painter” uniform grey spray primer. Pic 1

Having given the primer a few hours to dry properly I started on the uniform basecoat of Vallejo’s “Off White”.

I gave the figure 6 light coats, deluded 3:1 thinner/paint. These 6 coats served as the “base”, not completely white, but with a bit of the dark grey primer still visible underneath. From there on every layer was highlighting, only painting the raised parts and leaving the folds and creases untouched. Pic 2 & 3

I went on highlighting like this for another 8 coats, building up the light.

Next step was a heavily thinned wash of “Winsor & Newton” oil paint Ivory Black #24. This did a fine job of emphasizing the shadows that I’d made earlier on.

Then I gave all the creases and details a very dark “pin wash” of Ivory Black.

With the oil washes done I finished the uniform off with a heavily deluded coat of VC “white primer”. This toned down the contrast between light and dark a bit, making it look a bit more realistic.

Next up Oak leaf camo…a first timer! ;-)

torsdag den 12. november 2009

Ardennes Dio

I started on my latest dio project a few months ago. The scene is going to be a US airborne patrol + Sherman about to be ambushed by German SS in the Ardennes forrest December 44.

This is a 3D drawing I did of my original idea. It's changed a bit now, The road is lower then the fir trees. I'll have 3 to 6 US Airborne advancing on the right side and behind the tank (viewer's perspective). To SS soldiers will be hiding in the woods Left of the Sherman. One kneeling behind the logs, one standing behind a tree. I lowered the road part because I think it would be more realistic if the Germans were attacking down hill and not taking on the enemy at the road level.

It's been slow lately, but I have found the time to do a bit of figure painting.

I'll post real pic's later!